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Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Drive Microsoft Stock to $550? 1 Wall Street Analyst Thinks So.

It's easy to get caught up on Wall Street's never-ending cycle of upgrades and downgrades. After all, these analysts live and breathe these stocks and have all the latest data. However, for serious investors, short-term stock price movements are completely meaningless, but the logic behind the analysts' sentiments can provide valuable insight into what's ahead for the company. Such is the case here.

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives maintained a buy rating on (NASDAQ: MSFT) stock while increasing his price target to $550, up from $500, noting the company is part of the firm's "Best Ideas List." That represents potential gains for investors of 24% compared to Friday's closing price. Microsoft stock has gained 73% (or 20% annually) over the past three years, so forecasting 24% gains over the coming 12 months isn't that much of a stretch.

Ives cites recent channel checks for his bullish call, saying there's a "tidal wave of Copilot and Azure monetization now on the doorstep" for Microsoft. He estimates that artificial intelligence (AI) will generate $25 billion in incremental revenue in fiscal 2025. The analyst's forecast could well be conservative.

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Microsoft Corp. Stock

Microsoft Corp. gained 2.400% today.
The stock is one of the favorites of our community with 115 Buy predictions and 3 Sell predictions.
With a target price of 424 € there is a slightly positive potential of 10.26% for Microsoft Corp. compared to the current price of 384.55 €.
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