Why Texas Instruments Is a Great Stock in the Current Market Environment

Worries about the economy have influenced the attitudes of consumers and investors alike. Many believe we will soon enter a recession (if we have not entered one already), and some fear stagflation, a combination of high inflation and unemployment, reminiscent of the 1970s.

However, even if the economy experiences stagflation, low-cost dividend stocks can do well in such an environment. One of these stocks is Texas Instruments (NASDAQ: TXN).

Texas Instruments produces analog and embedded chips. These semiconductors do not receive as much attention as higher-end processors made by the likes of Nvidia and AMD. Still, digital chips can only represent zeros and ones. Analog chips can recognize continuous signals, which means that digital semiconductors need analog chips to function. These processors function as a bridge between the crisply defined digital world and the messy, complex realm of real-world data. This makes Texas Instruments' products essential to the latest technological advancements.

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Source Fool.com