Why Boeing, TransDigm, and General Electric Stocks Surged Out of the Gate Wednesday

It's finally happening. In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, Senate leaders collected enough votes to pass -- soon, hopefully -- a $2 trillion stimulus deal to counteract the effects of locking down the American economy to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Full details remain to be disclosed, but the media are reporting that today, the bill in question includes a one-time direct payment of $1,200 to every adult American earning under $75,000, plus $500 per child. $150 billion is being made available as federal loans to state and local governments, $100 billion more for hospitals, at least $350 billion for small businesses, and $500 billion for larger corporations.  

It's that last bit that's getting investors in top aerospace stocks Boeing (NYSE: BA), TransDigm (NYSE: TDG), and General Electric (NYSE: GE) excited.

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Source Fool.com