What to Do if You and Your Spouse Aren't on the Same Page About Retirement

When you're married, a shared retirement is something both partners should be working toward. This means coming to an agreement about how much you'll save for your later years so you can both contribute the appropriate amount to retirement accounts. It also means you should come to a consensus about when you'll each retire and how you'll spend your time once you're no longer in the working world.

Unfortunately, many married couples haven't agreed on these big issues. An older study from Fidelity found almost half of all partners disagreed on the amount necessary to save for retirement, a third disagreed about how comfortable their retirement lifestyle will be, and half disagreed about the desired age to retire.

This can pose lots of problems -- especially as you approach the time one of you wants to hand in your notice. If this is your situation, these tips can help. 

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Source Fool.com