What Is the First Task for Alphabet's New CEO?

He's hardly new to Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL) (NASDAQ: GOOG), having served as CEO of Alphabet's search engine behemoth known as Google since the latter part of 2015. But with the parent company's founder and CEO stepping down earlier this month -- and replacing himself with Google's chief -- Sundar Pichai is truly flying solo now.

That's a two-edged sword, of course. He no longer has to worry about being second-guessed by a superior. At the same time, success or failure is now all Pichai's. That's a lot of pressure. He'll likely thrive on it, given how he's handled himself thus far. If he's going to keep the company on the rails, though, the first thing he may want to do is bring the Google family back together again.

From employee walkouts to threats of unionizing to sexual harassment scandals, Google has had its hands full of late with personnel. None of it's been company-destroying, but all of it has collectively dented the tech giant's reputation. The little things can become big, too, when allowed to fester.

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