Well, That Was Fast: Intel Scraps Project Alloy

The virtual reality (VR) market is just starting to take off, but Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) is already winding down its plans to develop an all-in-one VR headset, called Project Alloy, just a year after it was announced. 

The headset offered a combination of VR and augmented reality (AR) capabilities, but its defining characteristic was that it was essentially a Windows computer you could strap to your head. Thus, it could provide all the graphics processing of a high-end VR headset, but without the cumbersome wires tethering it to a PC. 

Project Alloy was supposed to launch in the fourth quarter as an open reference design -- a starting point upon which partner companies could build their own devices. But now that Alloy is dead, does that mean Intel is giving up on VR? Not a chance.  

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Source: Fool.com