Turning Water Into Wine Could Be SodaStream's Next Big Miracle

Like Lazarus being raised from the dead, SodaStream International (NASDAQ: SODA) was able to come back to life by transforming itself from a soda company to a sparkling-water business. Against all odds, its stock price has quintupled in value in only 1 1/2 years. Its next miracle may be accelerating sales growth even further by turning water into sparkling wine.

Image source: SodaStream International.

SodaStream has released an alcoholic syrup that will allow users to make sparkling wine at home. Called Sparkling Gold, the sparkling-water company says that mixing one part of the syrup with five parts water from its countertop appliance will result in 12 glasses of sparkling wine with 10% alcohol by volume, which has been said to taste like a Riesling. (If you want a bigger kick, use less water.)

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Source: Fool.com