Trivago Still Presses for Maximum Growth

The key to success in many industries is to grow as quickly as possible to stay ahead of the competition. For online travel company Trivago (NASDAQ: TRVG), the presence of large competitors has made that task a bit more difficult, but that hasn't stopped the up-and-coming player in the industry from working hard to expand its presence in an increasingly crowded market. With major hurricanes hitting the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea during the summer months, pressure on the entire travel sector created new challenges for Trivago to overcome.

Coming into Wednesday's third-quarter financial report, Trivago investors were comfortable with the idea that the company wouldn't yet post a profit, but they wanted to see the revenue growth that would signal continuing progress toward reaching a leadership position in the online travel sector. Sales gains for the quarter were sluggish, but Trivago still has ambitious targets for longer-term top-line growth that it believes are attainable. Let's take a closer look at Trivago and what long-term investors should take from the report.

Image source: Trivago.

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