Top Stocks Warren Buffett Just Bought

Warren Buffett knows a thing or two about picking the best stocks. According to Forbes, he's one of the world's richest people. Since he's made his fortune investing, it could be wise to follow in his footsteps. Fortunately, his investment company, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B), files a 13F report with the Securities and Exchange Commission every quarter revealing his activity. The latest report discloses Berkshire Hathaway's established new positions in Kroger (NYSE: KR) and Biogen (NASDAQ: BIIB). Here's why he might believe they're bargains worth owning.

Kroger's performance in the first half of 2019 left a lot to be desired. Shares sold off sharply to their lowest since 2017 because of weaker margins and, arguably, expansion plans that tried to do too much too fast. In response, Kroger's cutting costs and refocusing on its core grocery business.


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