This Ultra-High-Yield Dividend Stock Is Trading at a Lower Price-to-Earnings Ratio Than the S&P 500

One of the best ways to support portfolio growth is to invest in high-quality dividend stocks. But with so many dividend stocks, trying to choose the best opportunity can be daunting.

Recent moves from management could suggest that Altria (NYSE: MO) is a good buy right now. Let's find out if the stock is undervalued and assess if Altria deserves a spot in your portfolio.

For the 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023, the cigarette industry at large experienced an 8% volume decline. On the surface, this isn't entirely surprising. The last few years have been rough for the cigarette maker as consumer preferences shifted due to rising interest in health and wellness, as well as a tough macroeconomy featuring unusually high inflation.

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