"The Stock Market Will Crash": Why Investors Should Ignore Trump's Fiery Assertion

In a year like 2020, can we at least agree that "one out of three ain't bad"?

At long last, the Biden-Trump election 2020 debate held Thursday finally gave investors a substantive exchange of view on the issues, voiced by two presidential contenders meeting in person, and taking turns speaking to each other. And one particularly fiery exchange caught investors' attention right away.

About a third of the way through the debate, in the course of discussing healthcare and Social Security policy, President Trump declared: "They say the stock market will boom if I'm elected. If he's elected, the stock market will crash." (He then clarified that the "they" in that statement referred to "the biggest analysts," presumably on Wall Street -- and the "he" was obviously Vice President Biden).

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Source Fool.com