The Smart Social Security Strategy That No One's Talking About

Social Security can be a complex topic, but it's an important subject to understand if you want to make the most of your benefits in retirement.

Approximately 1 in 5 married beneficiaries and close to half of unmarried ones rely on their monthly checks for around 90% of their income in retirement, according to the Social Security Administration. Meanwhile, more than 90% of adults age 50 or older say they don't know what factors affect the maximum amount they can receive in benefits, a 2017 survey from Nationwide found.

In other words, many retirees are depending on their benefits for a substantial source of income, yet they don't fully understand how to maximize those monthly checks. While there are many Social Security claiming strategies out there, some are more well-known than others. And there's one in particular that isn't discussed often but can be a smart move for many retirees.

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