The S&P Is at Record Highs -- and These 2 Stocks Deserve a Lot of Credit

Investors were ready to continue their holiday celebrations on Monday, and that showed up in upward movement in major market benchmarks. Indeed, the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) pushed to new record levels, climbing 51 points to 4,776 as of 12:30 p.m. ET on Wall Street.

Given the strong performance of the tech sector, it would be natural to assume that tech stocks were primarily responsible for the S&P's gains. Certainly, given the large market capitalizations of some of the top players in technology, gains have had an outsized impact. However, largely unnoticed has been the strong performance of energy stocks. Two companies in particular have topped the leaderboard among S&P 500 stocks, and as you'll see below, they're both energy players.

Image source: Getty Images.

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