The Most Important Cannabis Chart You'll Ever See

Emerging growth industries can be some of the most profitable in which to invest. From the rise of the internet, to electric vehicles, to cloud computing, hitching a ride with the early leaders in a new and exciting industry can lead to handsome gains.

But aside from pure innovation, another way an industry can grow from zero to very large is by going from illegal to legal! Not since Prohibition was repealed in 1933 has that happened. Now, there's a pretty good chance cannabis may be legalized in the U.S. (at least in several important respects, if not totally) at some point in the not-too-distant future. Even without full legalization, several high-probability regulatory rollbacks would be good for U.S. multistate operators.

Don't believe me? Farther below is a chart that says you should sit up and pay attention to the U.S. cannabis space.

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