The Best Reason to Take Social Security Long Before Age 70

Timing your Social Security benefits is one of the most important financial decisions in retirement. The best option for your household isn't always obvious, and different resources might provide contradictory advice. Regardless of your personal circumstances, it's worth considering the positive impact of taking Social Security income as early as possible.

The best reason to take Social Security before age 70 is to turn on an important source of cash as early as possible. Liquid cash in your account today is valuable for a number of reasons, and many retirees can maximize their well-being by enjoying benefits early and often. Of course, the decision comes with meaningful trade-offs that need to be considered. Every retiree's circumstances are unique, so there's no universally "right" age to take Social Security

It's important to consider the merits that earlier cash flow can provide to a financial plan, even if you ultimately decide to wait until age 70 to take Social Security.

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