The 7 States With the Most Motorcycles Per Person

Image source: Getty Images.

America might have a love affair with the car, but the most recent report by the Department of Transportation says there were almost 8.6 million motorcycles registered in the U.S. in 2015. With the Census Bureau saying that there were 135.7 million housing units available the following year, that means there was one motorcycle for almost every 16 homes. Put another way, America has a serious crush on two-wheelers, too.

So which states are most in love with motorcycles? We won't look at just the number of bikes registered in each state; rather we'll also factor in population to get a person-per-motorcycle figure. The results might surprise you. For example, California is the most populous state (39.1 million residents) and has the most motorcycles registered (828,883), but at .02 motorcycles per resident, it is far down the list.

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