Student Loans Top Credit Card Debt: 2 Ways to Ensure Your Loans Don't Hurt Your Credit

Many people may find themselves grabbing their credit cards more often to pay for groceries, home repairs, and any other expense that comes up. But the country's rising student loan debt still dwarfs all the combined credit card swipes.

America's student loan debt stands at $1.78 trillion, ranking behind mortgage loans as the second biggest consumer debt category. This amount is spread out among 43.5 million Americans, with the average borrower shelling out $337 every month. Keeping up with monthly payments can be tough, especially when money is tight. But if you fail to make payments as required, you could end up with a bigger problem: a dip in your credit score. 

Check out the following two tips to help ensure student loan debt doesn't interfere with your credit score goals. 

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