Raytheon Shows Its Strength Heading Into United Technologies Deal

Most of the attention surrounding Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) right now is understandably related to its pending megamerger with the aerospace arm of United Technologies (NYSE: UTX). But Raytheon, in what could be its final earnings report as an independent company, demonstrated the potential in its portfolio and gave investors plenty to get excited about heading into the merger.

Raytheon, unlike the other defense primes, is not focused on building large military platforms like tanks, ships, or planes, but rather specializes in missiles, space, cyber, electronics, and sensors. Raytheon has always been somewhat of a contrarian in the defense sector, and that will only increase when it combines with the commercial aerospace-heavy UTC portfolio and becomes one of the most diverse large companies in the industry.

Here's a look at how Raytheon performed in the final three months of 2019, and what management had to say about the future.

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Source Fool.com