Only a Third of Americans Are Making This Smart Financial Move

If you're unsure about how to properly prepare for your financial future, you're in the majority. Approximately six out of 10 Americans said that their financial planning needs improvement, according to the 2019 Northwestern Mutual Planning & Progress survey, and nearly half of those surveyed said they're uncertain about how much they can afford to spend now and how much they should be saving. 

Educating yourself about personal finance is always a wise investment, but some people lack the time or interest to do so. There's another way to make sure you stay on track for your future goals, but only about one in three Americans are currently taking advantage of it. Talking to a financial advisor can relieve some of the pressure on you while giving you greater confidence in how you're doing financially. Let's take a closer look at how an advisor can help you and how to choose the right one for you.

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