Microsoft Is Hitting Home Runs, With The Metaverse On Deck

The metaverse could be an $800 billion addressable market by 2024, according to Bloomberg. This is a massive opportunity for any tech company able to gain significant market share, and there's one company with the history and inside track to gobble up a gigantic portion of it.

For those still trying to grasp it, the metaverse is a three-dimensional "world" where people can interact with one another and their environments using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology. AR and VR technology are often used for gaming, business, or social functions in which the participants are usually represented by avatars.

If this seems like science fiction, remember how we thought about the internet in the 1980s. It was a novelty, and many of us probably scoffed at the idea that it could one day dominate our lives, providing us with commerce, news, entertainment, and social interaction. Now, we can scarcely imagine life without it.

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