Make Sure You Know These 4 Major Financial Rules Before You Retire Abroad

If you plan to retire abroad, you'll need to take a few extra precautions in your retirement planning to make sure everything runs smoothly. Most potential risks posed by relocating to a foreign country have simple fixes, but other situations are a bit more complicated. Keep these rules in mind to ensure that unexpected hiccups don't derail your financial plan and get in the way of your retirement dreams.

U.S. citizens living in foreign countries can still receive Social Security if they are eligible for benefits. But people may not be able to receive payments while they are located in one of the following countries:

However, you can generally get any unpaid benefits upon return to a country where payments are not limited. Moreover, in several of the countries listed above, there can be exceptions that can help you get paid. The rules get more complicated for people with dual citizenship and non-U.S. citizens, but these people often meet the eligibility criteria too.

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