MEPOWER Memini And Megun Massage Guns: Effective, Portable And Affordable

Massage guns have quickly grown into a popular household product that people can easily use to relax their body. These guns can help with general muscle pain, as well as pre-workout and post-workout warm-ups and cool-downs. Moreover, these guns are also very handy when targeting any muscle area. Though there is no doubt about their usefulness, choosing the right massage gun is a challenging task. Many options are available in the market, but not all use the right kind of technology. And, some that do use the right technology are either not easy to use or out of the price range of most buyers, or both. MEPOWER, however, offers two massage guns that I believe have the right ingredients to meet the needs of most potential buyers.

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MEPOWER’s Mini Massage Gun: Small But Effective

The two massage guns that I am talking about are: MEPOWER’s Mini Massage Gun and Massage Gun. As said above, these two are a good combination of power, speed, portability, design and price.

First let’s talk about the MEPOWER Mini Massage Gun, or Memini. It is a super portable massage gun that weighs just 1lbs. Its small size makes it convenient to carry it anywhere - home, office, on the go, and you can easily place it into your handbag or pocket. Adding further to its portability is its ability to be charged with USB-C or a power bank.

Despite being small, Memini does the job perfectly. The machine comes with three adjustable speeds (1500/2000/2500RPM), and one can switch between these speeds to serve different purposes, such as warm up, muscle relaxation and tissue massage. The vibration amplitude of 8mm digs deep enough to relax all types of muscles.

Despite being powerful, this machine is super quiet. With the noise level at around 50dB, you have to focus on the noise to actually hear it. This means others around you can’t hear it as well. So you can use it almost anywhere without disturbing others.

Memini comes with four massage head targets for different muscle groups. For instance, the round ball head is suitable for arms, legs, and buttocks, while the cone head is suitable for hand, foot and other small muscle group. During my testing, I found all the heads to be doing the job perfectly to give an over relaxing experience.

Using the Mini Massage Gun is easy as well. It features a single-touch button that allows users to easily toggle between different settings. Moreover, its smooth and ergonomic grip makes the gun easy to hold and use for longer periods.

Overall, MEPOWER Mini Massage Gun is true to its name. It is mini, yet it gets the job done perfectly, and almost all the reviews that I read about Memini laud it for its portability, ease of use and effectiveness.

MEPOWER’s Massage Gun: A Professional Massager

Unlike Memini, MEPOWER Massage Gun or Megun is a more professional massage gun. This massage gun offers deep muscle relaxation, especially post-workout. Megun can reach as deep as 12 millimeters into the soft tissue to offer complete relaxation. Through deep and powerful muscle massage, it could help with the body's soreness, improve flexibility and relieve lactic acid.

Though it’s powerful, it isn’t noisy at all, with a working sound level between 50-70dB. Yes, it’s noisier than Memini, but still, the noise level is much less than other similar machines on the market. This means you can use this machine in office or outside without worrying about others giving you strange looks.

Like Memini, Megun also comes with three speed options (1600, 2400 and 3000). In addition to speed options, this massage gun has three modes – warm up, neck and lumbar. I found the three modes to be extremely useful and relaxing.

Megun’s ergonomic design, rotating arm and non-slip silicone handle make it easy to use. The 180-degree rotation arm allows the use of the massager at a weird and uncomfortable angle, such as when applying it on back and shoulders.

In terms of portability, Megun isn’t as small as Memini, but it isn’t huge either. One can easily use it without straining themselves and without requiring any help. The battery life is something that the company could work on, but the good thing is that it comes with a charge fast.

Similar to Memini, almost all reviews of Megun are positive as well. Like me, many other users have also found it to be powerful and easy to use. I don’t do gym regularly, but I must admit that this machine encouraged me to go to gym regularly. This is because now I have a massager that could help me relax post-workout.

Final Words

Both Megun and Memini are very effective. Which of the two you choose, depends on your own needs. If you want a massage gun for you and your family’s general relaxation and something that you can easily carry around, you will definitely want to go with Memini. And, if you want a more professional massager, then Megun should be your choice.

In terms of price, both Megun and Memini are worth every penny - Megun costs $89.99, while Memini costs just $59.99. For more details on the two massage guns and to buy them, you can visit (Megun and Memini) or Amazon (Megun and Memini).

(Disclaimer: We received this product free in exchange for an honest review.)

Updated on Apr 14, 2022, 9:46 am

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