Looking For the Next Dogecoin? Here's One Candidate, According to Meme Coin Enthusiasts

If you think you missed out on Dogecoin's (CRYPTO: DOGE) incredible price action over the years, don't lose hope. According to the chatter among meme coin investors, there's a successor to the canine meme throne making its way on the Solana blockchain, and it's called Dogwifhat (CRYPTO: WIF).

As the name implies, Dogwifhat, or "Wif" as it's fondly known in crypto circles, is a friendly meme coin of a shiba inu dog with a nice knitted hat. And with a market cap of more than $2.8 billion, its community of coin holders are already "wif" plenty of profit. But according to the crypto diehards, Wif's march to greatness is nowhere near its conclusion, so let's analyze why it's so popular and whether it has a place in your portfolio.

Wif's history so far has been auspicious, given that it's a meme coin.

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Source Fool.com