If You're Expecting Bitcoin to Soar Before or After the Halving, You Need to Read This

The next Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) halving, set to take place in April 2024, is already shaping up to be one of the most anticipated crypto events of the year. Since previous Bitcoin halvings have led to huge rallies, Bitcoin bulls are already predicting another massive rally in 2024, with some suggesting that Bitcoin could skyrocket past the $100,000 mark.

But just how likely is this scenario? Based on Bitcoin's price performance after similar halving events in 2012, 2016, and 2020, there's certainly reason to be optimistic. But there are three key factors to consider before you go all in on Bitcoin.

Perhaps the biggest narrative surrounding the Bitcoin halving is that halving always pushes Bitcoin to another all-time high. Most recently, after the last halving event in May 2020, Bitcoin eventually reached its all-time high of $68,790 in November 2021. And the story was largely the same back in 2012 and 2016, when halving events catalyzed impressive bull market rallies.

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Source Fool.com