How to Win at Retirement, Even if There's a Second Wave

Imagine that your retirement lifestyle was determined by the spin of the roulette wheel. That would stink, right? You'd watch helplessly, waiting for a little ball to put in you in poverty or to bring you enormous wealth. Fortunately, retirement is not a game of chance. It's a game in which the players -- retirement savers like you and me -- control the outcome.

You win at this game when your savings are sufficient to support the retirement lifestyle you want. And the big levers you pull to make that happen are your choices about how much you save, and for how long. You'll face headwinds in the form of market volatility, but you can power through those with discipline and patience. Follow these four strategies to keep yourself on track for a successful retirement, even if there's a second wave of COVID-19.

Image source: Getty Images.

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