How to Find an Introvert-Friendly Work Culture

Finding a job that fits your life can also mean finding a company that suits your work style and personality. "Office environments put employees in group situations fairly often, whether that's official meetings or even just in the break room at lunchtime," says career strategist Heather Huhman, explaining why sharing anything from a cubicle to an office kitchen can be a struggle for people who prefer one-on-one ways of communication or, quite frankly, to be left alone entirely.

Executive coach Karen Elizaga agrees, adding that, "unlike extroverts who happily absorb energy from being around other people, introverts need time alone. They get and need to recharge their energy in solitude."

But how can an introvert get the alone time they crave and need in an office environment? Here are four expert tips for finding an introvert-friendly work culture you will love.

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