How to Cope With a Slacker Coworker

Working in a team environment poses its challenges. Not only do you have different personalities to contend with, but you'll often find yourself in situations where you and your colleagues rely on one another to get your respective jobs done. So if you come to realize you have a slacker on your team, it can make for a rather aggravating experience. If you're in the unfortunate spot of having a slacker coworker with the potential to bring you down, here's how to deal.

Some people are lazy and irresponsible by nature. But in some cases, slacking off could be a way of masking an underlying problem. So if you have a slacker on your team, consider that maybe he's not pulling his weight because he's lacking key skills or has a lot going on in his personal life. Neither of these is a great excuse, but they give you a starting point to work with. For example, if your colleague's been falling down on the job because he doesn't understand how a certain procedure works, you can offer to help him get up to speed or allow him to shadow you on a particular task.


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