How Badly Will Omicron Hurt Office REITs?

At this point, real estate investors with money in office REITs (real estate investment trusts) may be getting an unwanted sense of deja vu. Earlier this year, many major companies firmed up their office reopening plans, only to have to walk back those plans when the delta variant hit hard.

For a lot of those employers, the solution was to push back reopening plans to January of 2022. The logic there was to give the delta wave time to subside and allow workers to get through the holiday season, as well as the uptick in cases likely to ensue during it.

But now, there's a new pandemic player to contend with: the omicron variant. So far, it hasn't surpassed the delta variant in the context of U.S. cases. But health experts are gearing up for it to overtake the country in the coming weeks due to its highly transmissible nature.

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