Here's the Average Social Security Benefit at Ages 62 and 67

There's arguably no social program more vital to the financial well-being of our nation's seniors than Social Security. Every year, Social Security pulls more than 21.7 million people out of poverty, including close to 15.4 million adults aged 65 and over.

What's more, up to 90% of the retirees that national pollster Gallup has been surveying annually for more than two decades have noted that they rely on their monthly Social Security check to cover at least some portion of their expenses.

Ensuring the financial health of future retired workers means getting as much as possible out of America's top retirement program. But in order for that to happen, future generations of retirees first need to understand what factors influence their monthly benefit, and how their claiming age can dramatically boost or lessen what they'll receive each month, and during their lifetime, from Social Security.

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