Here's Why Your 2025 Social Security COLA Might Fall Short -- No Matter How Much It Amounts To

Millions of seniors today rely on the monthly benefits they get from Social Security to stay afloat financially. And each year, Social Security recipients eagerly await news of an upcoming cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA.

In 2024, Social Security benefits rose 3.2%. But next year, seniors may not see their benefits go up nearly as much.

Based on recent inflation data, the nonpartisan Senior Citizens League is projecting that Social Security's 2025 COLA will amount to 1.75%. Now that number is far from set in stone, since Social Security COLAs are based on third quarter inflation data, which it's clearly too early to gather. But it is fair to assume that based on how inflation is trending, Social Security recipients will be in line for less of a raise in 2025 than in 2024.

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