Got $50? Here Are 4 Great Stocks to Buy Now

Welcome to 2020, where investor expectations can safely be left at the front door. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to unprecedented levels of volatility in equities, with investors enduring the fastest bear-market decline in history, as well as the strongest quarterly rally in 22 years. Frankly, no one knows what to expect next.

Perhaps the closest thing that can be offered as a guarantee is that long-term investors have a great chance to make money during periods of heightened volatility. That's because every stock market correction in history has eventually been erased by a bull-market rally. We may not know when corrections will occur, how long they'll last, or how steep the decline will be, but we do know that history is on the side of long-term optimists.

Best of all, you don't need a fortune to make one on Wall Street. Adding small sums of money to great stocks on a consistent basis can lead to significant wealth creation over time. If you have even $50 you can spare for investments that won't be needed to cover bills or emergencies, then you have more than enough to buy into these great stocks.

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