Google Is Imagining the Next Level of Artificial Intelligence

Alphabet Inc.'s (NASDAQ: GOOGL) (NASDAQ: GOOG) Google has been at the forefront of research into the nascent science of artificial intelligence (AI). The company first delved into AI more than six years ago and has become one of the foremost developers of the new technology.

Innovations resulting from AI have come at a fast and furious pace in recent years. Virtual assistants are found on nearly every smartphone. The self-driving cars being developed by Google's Waymo unit have moved from the drawing board to the streets, and the company is currently testing its early rider program in the Phoenix, Arizona, metro area. This year, Google's DeepMind AlphaGo computer defeated the reigning world champion in the ancient strategy game of Go -- a feat some experts had not long ago viewed as a good seven years away. Now, Google wants to imbue its artificial intelligence agents with imagination.

Google wants its AI to imagine. Image source: Getty Images.

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