Google Hits Back at Facebook and Snap on Mobile

Discovering content on the internet is no longer an active pursuit. People simply open an app and passively consume content. Whether that app is Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), Instagram, Snap's (NYSE: SNAP) Snapchat, or any other number of apps, people consume feeds of content curated just for them usually with the help of an algorithm.

Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) subsidiary Google, which used to be the king of content discovery, has fallen behind. (Google's YouTube, on the other hand, is one of the best at feeding content to users.) In order to compete, Google is working on a competitor to Snapchat's Discover and Instagram's Stories features. Recode reports Google is paying publishers to produce content for its new platform, Stamp.

Google is looking for a way to get more people to both install and spend time using its app, and it's going to invest in Stamp as a way to do it.

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