Good News: Apple Has Ruined Its Numbered iPhone Naming Convention

I'm not a fan of numbered iPhones. The naming convention wore out its welcome a long time ago; Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) just somehow hasn't realized it yet. Using numbers is simply unsustainable and completely arbitrary at this point. Case in point: The company just unveiled the iPhone 8, one of its 11th-generation iPhones. Sure, the iPhone X (pronounced "iPhone 10") leads the 11th-generation lineup, but it still only gets worse over time. The X simply marks the 10th year after the original launch, not the generation.

There's an opinion that means a lot more than mine, though: Apple's former ad man Ken Segall. Segall, a career marketing professional that is credited with naming the original iMac, is also a critic of numbered iPhones. Earlier this year, he argued that this year was "The Great iPhone Naming Opportunity of 2017." Celebrating the decade milestone would have been the perfect chance to reset iPhone branding, setting it on a more sustainable path for years to come. Too bad Apple squandered it. The silver lining is that Apple just ruined numbered iPhones.

iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, the 11th-generation iPhones. Image source: Apple.

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