Divorced? You Could Be Owed Extra Social Security Benefits

For millions of older Americans, Social Security benefits make a huge impact on their quality of life in retirement. Roughly 21% of married couples depend on their checks for at least 90% of their retirement income, according to the Social Security Administration, as do nearly half of unmarried beneficiaries.

While it's not the best idea to expect your benefits alone to support you in retirement (after all, Social Security is only designed to replace around 40% of your pre-retirement income), some retirees have no other option but to depend on their monthly checks to cover the majority of their expenses.

That means if you're expecting Social Security to be your main source of income in retirement, it's wise to make sure you're receiving as much as you're entitled to. And if you're divorced, there's a chance you may be owed more than you think.

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Source Fool.com