Did Vladimir Putin Just Announce a New Arms Race?

TVRain. Kommersant. Gazeta.ru. TASS. Across all of the main Russian media outlets last week, the word went forth: Russia is re-arming.

Here's how the story goes, as reported by Russia's TASS information agency: On Nov. 22 in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with top officials from MinOboron, his Ministry of Defense, to discuss findings from the country's recently concluded Zapad-2017 war games. These war games, which raised some concerns  in neighboring NATO countries when under way in September, involved some 12,700 Russian and Belarusian troops utilizing air, naval, and land forces to subdue a (hypothetical) small Baltic nation.

Russia is rattling its saber again. How will Wall Street respond? Image source: Getty Images.

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Source: Fool.com