DC Coronavirus Stimulus Check: Some Moms to Get $900 Monthly

After it was more or less certain that there would be no more federal stimulus checks, many states and local governments came up with their own targeted stimulus checks and other similar programs. Now, Washington D.C. has launched a similar stimulus check program that targets mothers. This D.C. coronavirus stimulus check would offer a monthly payment of about $900 to eligible mothers.

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DC Coronavirus Stimulus Check: What Is It?

DC’s new program, called Strong Families, Strong Future DC, will provide about $900 per month for one year to 132 new and expecting mothers in the city. It is basically a pilot program that will be managed by a nonprofit organization, Martha’s Table.

“This program is about supporting new and expectant moms with cash so that they can have the autonomy and flexibility to make the best choices for them and their baby,” Mayor Muriel Bowser said in a statement.

A report from LendingTree found that the average cost of raising a newborn is about $29,000. This amount includes the cost of housing, clothing, transportation, food, infant daycare and insurance premiums. Also, it is estimated that mothers spend a minimum of $300 per month on diapers, wipes, infant formula and baby supplies.

“This direct cash assistance will mean that families can focus on bonding with their young child without being bogged down by the financial stress that often accompanies the first year of life,” said Kim R. Ford, president and CEO of Martha’s Table.

This DC coronavirus stimulus check is a pilot program that will cost about $1.5 million. As part of the program, Martha’s Table will use “qualitative and quantitative methods” to track the performance of the program. Martha’s Table will evaluate how the DC coronavirus stimulus check program is impacting the physical and mental health of the child and mother.

Similar Program From NYC

New York is also experimenting with a similar program that targets mothers. This program is part of New York City’s guaranteed income program, called The Bridge Project, and aims to address the issue of inequality by providing unconditional cash.

“Providing them with consistent, unconditional, and immediate cash is sometimes all it takes to lift them out of poverty,” the program’s website says.

The program was started last year with 100 families, and this year, it is expanding to 500 more mothers. Under the program, eligible mothers would get $1,000 per month for the first 18 months and $500 per month for the next 18 months. Eligible mothers would get the stimulus money in the form of cash, and they can spend it on whatever they want.

NYC’s Bridge Project is its first guaranteed income program, and was launched in June 2021. The aim of the program is to make available financial support to low-income mothers in the city during the first 1,000 days of their children’s lives.

You can visit the Bridge Project website for more information on the program.

Updated on Feb 2, 2022, 9:42 am

Source valuewalk