Coronavirus Stimulus Check for Mothers: 500 Moms to Get $1,000 Per Month

It is now almost certain that there will be no new fresh stimulus checks. Other bad news for parents hoping to get additional money this year is that the child tax credit program is unlikely to be extended by Congress. There is, however, a coronavirus stimulus check for mothers that some may be eligible for. But, this stimulus check is only for some New York City mothers.

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Coronavirus Stimulus Check For Mothers: Who Qualifies?

This coronavirus stimulus check for mothers is actually a part of New York City’s guaranteed income program, called The Bridge Project, to help mothers in low-income neighborhoods. With The Bridge Project, the authorities aim to address the inequality issue by offering unconditional cash.

“Providing them with consistent, unconditional, and immediate cash is sometimes all it takes to lift them out of poverty,” says the program’s website.

The program was started with 100 families last year, and this year, they are expanding it to 500 more mothers. Mothers eligible under the program will get $1,000 for the first 18 months and $500 for the next 18 months.

Mothers will get the stimulus money in the form of cash, and there is no restriction on what the mothers can spend the money on.

“The cash we put in the hands of mothers can be spent on food and formula, rent or car repairs, education, childcare or diapers -- we really don’t care (and you shouldn’t either!),” the program’s website says.

Talking about the eligibility, any mother currently pregnant and living in specific neighborhoods are eligible to get the money under the program. Moreover, the family household income must be at or below $52,000.

For more information on the program, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, visit the Bridge Project website.

The Bridge Project: What Is It?

The Bridge Project is NYC’s first guaranteed income program. It was launched in June 2021 by The Monarch Foundation, a private, non-profit, family foundation. The primary objective of the program is to support low-income mothers in the city during the first 1,000 days of their children’s lives.

During its first phase, the program made available $500 or $1,000 a month to 100 low-income mothers living in Inwood/Washington Heights and Harlem. Under this phase, 50 mothers get payments every two weeks totaling $500 a month for three years, while another 50 mothers get $1,000 a month for three years. The next phase, which will include 500 mothers, will start in early 2022.

Project authorities are taking the help of community partners to reach eligible families. Also, the Bridge Project is working with the CGIR (Center for Guaranteed Income Research) at the University of Pennsylvania.

Research from the Bridge Project found that as much as 60% of NYC babies and young children up to age three are within 200% of the poverty line.

Updated on Jan 24, 2022, 9:01 am

Source valuewalk