Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet: Which Hits $2 Trillion First?

At one time, the idea of a trillion-dollar company was almost unfathomable. As of last week, there are now four, if we do a little bit of rounding.

At the market close on Tuesday, Feb. 4, smartphone giant Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), software behemoth Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), e-commerce Goliath (NASDAQ: AMZN), and search engine kingpin Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG)(NASDAQ: GOOGL) (the parent of YouTube and Google) were all sporting trillion-dollar valuations. Technically, Alphabet went out at $997 billion and some change after "disappointing" quarterly operating results, but it had ended the previous day handily over the $1 trillion mark.

The question is: Which company among these top stocks will be the first to hit a $2 trillion market cap? While Apple and Microsoft already have a bit of a head start with valuations of $1.4 trillion and $1.33 trillion, respectively, the current rankings could easily be shuffled in the years to come.

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