I had long had an item on my bucket list: Take my dad to a Duke men's basketball game in Cameron Indoor Stadium. Yet due to challenges in coordinating schedules and the fact that that's generally a difficult and expensive ticket to get, I had never been able to make it work -- until very recently.

Last week, I was able to fulfill that bucket-list item at the Duke/Citadel game thanks to winning an auction set up by the Duke University Marching Band (D.U.M.B.). Not only did we get to go to the game, but we got floor seats with the pep band, and I also had the honor of standing in as the guest conductor at various points throughout the game. It was an absolute blast, and the story behind it showcases a great way to effectively integrate a bucket-list item in with other life priorities.

Photo courtesy of the Ringas family.

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Source Fool.com