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What we're witnessing with regard to the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is both unprecedented and tragic. Through Saturday, April 4, approximately 1.2 million cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed worldwide, with close to 65,000 people having been killed by this respiratory illness, according to Johns Hopkins University.

But the glaring figure among this data is that the United States is, by far, the epicenter of the outbreak. Almost 309,000 cases (a little more than 1 in 4) have originated in the U.S., causing the governors of most states to shut down nonessential businesses and call for residents to stay at home. Societal changes that seemed almost impossible as recently as six weeks ago are now a reality.

But amid this tragic event are a number of positives. For instance, we're witnessing a concerted global effort to find treatment options and a possible antiviral vaccine for COVID-19. We've also witnessed nations around the world shipping medical supplies to one another, demonstrating that we're truly all in this together.

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Source Fool.com