5 Things to Do Differently at Work Next Year

So you had your annual performance review at work, and it didn't go as well as expected. Maybe your boss had a lot of criticism. Or perhaps it's not that you did anything wrong, per se, but rather, you simply didn't push yourself hard enough to achieve results. No matter your circumstances, if you want 2018 to be the year your career really takes off, here are a few items to add to your must-do list.

If you work for a large company, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. So if you really want to stand out next year, and thus increase your chances of climbing the corporate ladder, you'll need to show your management team that you have the ability to take the lead on major projects and run with it. As the new year kicks off, you're likely to see a host of initiatives come to the table. Grab one. And then do it again, and another time after that. Prove that you're a natural leader, and you'll likely be rewarded for it.


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Source: Fool.com