5 Stocks I Own That I Want to Add to When the Stock Market Crashes

Despite the market's nearly uninterrupted march to new highs in 2021, history is quite clear that stock market crashes and steep corrections are a normal part of the investing cycle. It's not a matter of if a stock market crash is around the corner; it's simply a matter of when, and how steep the decline will be.

However, investors should also understand that each and every crash or correction in history has eventually been put into the rearview mirror by a bull-market rally. In other words, big moves lower in the market are commonplace, but these crashes and corrections always serve as an opportunity to buy great companies at a discount.

One of the best resources to find great companies to buy during a crash is your own portfolio. When the next crash does strike, I'll be looking to add to the following five stocks I already own.

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Source Fool.com