4 Social Security Changes Joe Biden Wants to Make, and the 1 Insurmountable Problem He'll Encounter

For many of Social Security's more than 66 million recipients -- 49.1 million of whom are retired workers -- the monthly income they receive is vital to their financial well-being. Over the past 20 years, between 80% and 90% of the retirees national pollster Gallup has surveyed annually have responded that Social Security benefits are needed, in some capacity, to cover their expenses. 

But this much-relied-upon program finds itself at a crossroads. Although it can never go bankrupt or become insolvent, its financial foundation is beginning to crumble. The tens of millions of Americans who count on their monthly payout as a necessary source of income are looking to lawmakers in Washington, D.C., to strengthen America's top retirement program -- and it all starts at the top with President Joe Biden.

President Biden delivering remarks. Image source: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz.

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Source Fool.com