3 of the Worst Reasons to Claim Social Security Early

When you get near the time you'll retire, you have a choice to make about your Social Security benefits. You'll need to make the decision about when to file for them and start getting monthly checks. 

You have the option to start receiving your benefits when you've reached 62 years old. But this is considered "claiming early," because you'll be filing for checks well before you've reached your full retirement age (FRA). That's between ages 66 and four months and 67, when you receive your standard benefit as calculated based on average wages over your career. 

Early filing can make sense in some situations -- but unfortunately many people file for benefits too soon for the wrong reasons and end up regretting their choice. Here are three of the worst reasons for starting Social Security benefits early so you can make sure none of these apply to you before you choose an early claim. 

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Source Fool.com