3 Ways to Avoid Pre-Vacation Stress

When you work full-time, going on vacation doesn't just mean getting a chance to sightsee or spend time with family; it also means getting a much-needed escape from the daily grind. By snagging a break from the office, you'll have an opportunity to unwind, decompress, and, ideally, return to your job feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever tasks lie ahead.

There's just one problem: For many workers, the idea of taking a vacation itself is stressful. In fact, 79% of employees say that they're the most stressed right before a vacation, according to a survey by project management software provider Wrike.

Unfortunately, pre-vacation stress can all too easily lead to stress during vacation. In fact, a recent survey by the American Psychological Association found that 21% of U.S. adults felt stressed during their time off, and that 28% wound up working more than anticipated while on vacation.

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Source Fool.com