3 Stocks to Buy for a Biden Bear Market

Think about all that happened in 2020. A global pandemic that caused the first U.S. recession in more than a decade. Massive unemployment. A contentious presidential election. Control of the U.S. Senate in doubt. And yet the S&P 500 index jumped 16%.

How could stocks perform so well in the midst of such chaos? There's a simple reason: Investors are always looking ahead. The market went up because they expected that the storms would calm in the not-too-distant future. It's understandable, then, that many (including me, by the way) have projected an extension of the bull market under the incoming Biden administration.

The reality, though, is that no one knows for sure what's next on the horizon. It's quite possible that the stock market will go down in 2021 instead of up. The good news for investors is that there are solid stocks that should still perform well if that happens. Here are three stocks you can buy for a potential Biden bear market.

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Source Fool.com