3 Social Security Moves to Make in Your 50s

Your 50s are a pivotal time in the grand scheme of retirement -- mostly because they might be the last full decade you actually spend in the workforce. And since retirement and Social Security go hand in hand, it pays to focus on the latter in the years leading up to the former. Here are three key Social Security moves to aim for during your 50s that will eventually help you make the most of your benefits.

Your Social Security earnings record is loaded with information about your work history, and that includes salary data. Now if you have a bunch of these statements sitting around in a file somewhere, you may not have paid much attention to them. But your 50s are the perfect time to dig out that paperwork and start going through it. The reason? If any of those statements contain errors, you could wind up with less money out of Social Security in retirement.


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Source: Fool.com