3 Big Retirement Investment Mistakes You Could Make in This Recession

The U.S. economy may be opening up again, but we're not out of the recession woods just yet. On June 24, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) went on record to say its initial prediction for global recession due to the coronavirus pandemic was too conservative. Specifically, the IMF updated its outlook from a 3% global economic contraction to a 4.9% pullback. And the recovery in 2021 is expected to be weak or even non-existent if COVID-19 cases surge again.

That news could have you wondering how to protect your retirement portfolio in the weeks and months ahead. You don't want to live through another 20% or 30% drop in your retirement savings, after all. The thing is, that line of thinking already has you at risk of making the wrong move. Efforts to spare yourself from future market volatility often result in big investing mistakes. Here are three examples.

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