3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Predictions That Undeniably Go Against the Grain

Since the advent of the internet roughly 30 years ago, there has been no shortage of next-big-thing investments and top-tier trends vying for investors' attention and capital. Some of the most-promising innovations and trends include genome decoding, nanotechnology, and blockchain technology.

However, nothing has promised to change the growth arc for corporate America since the arrival of the internet quite like the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).

In its simplest form, AI involves the use of software and systems to handle tasks that would normally be overseen by humans. What makes AI special is the ability for software and systems to evolve. Machine learning allows these systems to become smarter and more efficient at what they do over time without human intervention. It's this evolution that gives AI seemingly unlimited potential in virtually all sectors and industries.

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Source Fool.com